Meet Our Team

Audra Detillier, MA, PLPC, PLMFT

I consider it a privilege to walk alongside individuals, couples and families on their journeys of self-reflection, growth and change. It takes courage to be willing to challenge long-held patterns of thought and behavior. This work can be difficult, but also very rewarding.

In my work with individuals, I utilize Story-Informed Trauma Therapy (SITT), EMDR, Sandtray, somatic and polyvagal work, among other interventions, to help both the mind and the body begin to heal. When we identify the common themes and threads that are woven throughout the stories of our lives, we can start to make sense of them. We can replace inaccurate and negative beliefs about ourselves with accurate, positive beliefs. We can move through difficult emotions that have been stuck for years, learn to tolerate distress, and begin to truly feel safe in our bodies and in relationship to others. From these places of healing, life can be lived intentionally, rather than in survival mode, which allows us to truly flourish in our everyday lives, as well as in our roles as partners, parents, and beyond.

In my work with couples, I utilize Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) to help each partner learn to recognize and express their emotional needs more effectively. In my work with families, I utilize Structural Family Therapy to help create positive and healthier routines within family structures to build a loving, stable home life for everyone.

As a Christian therapist, trained in an integrative Christian counseling program, I do practice from a Biblical worldview, operating within the belief that we were all created by God to live within his design for life. However, the level to which faith and spirituality are incorporated into therapy is driven by the client.

It brings me great joy to be a safe place for my clients. I would love to spend a few minutes getting to know you and your needs and hopes, and providing you the opportunity to assess whether I might be a good fit for you. I hope you’ll reach out and request a free 15-minute consultation, via phone or telehealth.

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